Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society"

                In this story “The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society” from the book Illiterate America written by Jonathan Kozol (1985) suggests that the number of illiterate adults exceeds 16 million in 1980.  Kozol provides lots of facts and real life situations to support his opinion of what people who are illiterate go through on a daily basis. 
            I enjoyed reading this story because I never thought of what people who are illiterate might go through on a daily basis.  The little things that I take for granted are the things they struggle with.  In the story Kozol uses the example of being able to recognize simple words like ambulance, police, and fire in case of emergencies.  Of course I understand the importance of being literate but to the ones who are illiterate everyday life is difficult.  Even in his example about the lady and the Crisco.  I laughed when I first read that she thought she was buying chicken to make a meal for her daughter.  I thought where her common sense is but once I let the information settle I had another thought of maybe she wasn’t from this country.  It’s amazing of how many immigrants come to this country everyday and don’t understand the simplest things.   
            One of the things I will that from this story is to make myself approachable for people who need help can ask for it.  I know it’s not my responsibility but if I can help then I will.  I think us as people should be open to people asking for help whether it be directions or to get a clear understanding something means.

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