Sunday, October 9, 2011

"How to Mark a Book"

In this story “How to Mark a Book” from How to Read a Book, Revised Edition by Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren (1972) claims that there are two ways you can own a book and there are three book owners. Adler also says that you have to read between the lines to get the most out of the book.  He also thinks that you should make notes in the book so you won’t lose the idea of where the author is taking you.
                This story was a little dry.  Adler says that there are two weeks you can own a book.  The first way is when you purchase it.  The last way is when you make the book apart of you are.  This means to make notes in the margins on the ideas the author was trying to convey to the readers.  Then he goes on to say that there are three types of book owners.  The first is the individual who owns wood-pulp and ink not the book.  The second owner have read some but not all of them.   And the last are the ones who own the books.  They have read them, marked them with notes from front to back.
                This article was a little dry for my taste.  It gives you seven ways to mark a book.  It even tells you to read between the lines. I think that i'm book owner two and three.  I'm in the middle.  Some of my books I make notes in and some I just read.

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