Monday, September 5, 2011

This Battle Will Not Be Lost

 "This Battle Will Not Be Lost" by Sandi Millwood (2008) is a short story explained by Millwood that informs the audience of a significant event that occurred in Millwood's life. Millwood tells how she came to find out about her young daughter's illness beginning from the day her sickness became apparent to the time her daughter was able to overcome it. Millwood's intent when writing this was to tell of something she experienced in order to inform people of how important life is.
   Millwood had entered her daughter's room one morning to find her daughter with blue lips and struggling to just take in air. Millwood immediately phoned the hospital then followed the ambulance to said hospital. After many tests were run Millwood was informed that her daughter had a tumor. After the removal of the tumor the doctor tells Millwood that her daughter has cancer, to be more specific, pluera pulmonary blastoma. Millwood and her daughter fought with this illness for four years and won. Her daughter had survived.
   Through this experience Millwood came to realize that life is truly a gift and a very precious thing. People tend to go through life wasting time and worrying about things we can't control. Usually people don't realize how fleeting life is until something life changing happens or it's too late. Millwood came to this realization through her daughter's cancer. I came to this conclusion in a similar way when my cousin died of cancer a couple of years ago. Reading this story only reinforced my belief that life should be cherished because it won't last forever.

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